A very good blog post.


Please see the follow-up to this letter at http://lisamyers.org/2012/12/31/a-follow-up-to-dear-america-from-a-teacher/.

Dear America,

It feels strange to hear your voice praising teachers for their selflessness, dedication, and love for their students. We’re listening to what you’re saying, but we must admit that we are listening with tilted head and quizzical eye. Why? Because we’ve become accustomed to hearing a very different voice from you.

For the past few years, you’ve been certain that most of society’s problems stem from our schools, more specifically the teachers in those schools. We are lazy and useless, we are only in it for the money, we only teach for the vacation time, we don’t possess the intelligence to teach anyone much of anything, our demands for a respectable wage are selfish, we don’t teach students respect, we are leeches sucking the blood from State coffers, we don’t even work a full day like everyone else, and…

View original post 596 more words

Author: Larry Shudra

I help children and adults learn to play and enjoy music. I have been successful helping those with learning challenges to read and play music successfully. I currently teach music in Spring Branch ISD, Houston, Texas. I also teach a small number of students privately-contact me for openings. My wife, Kathy Shudra is an Educational Therapist in Houston. BME Baylor University. Walnut Hills HS alumni. I also enjoy kayaking, the outdoors, woodworking, home remodeling and traveling around Texas.

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