Why can’t you read?

what if you spent more time teaching students to read rhythms and notes and how music works, how the piece is organized. And what if you taught them to hear the sounds in their head as they read

Students come to take lessons with me and I ask them to play something for me. To read something. And they say: I don’t know how it goes.  Sadly, these kids play in bands that perform concerts but they cannot read rhythms or notes without someone telling them or showing them “this is how it goes.”  When that concert is over, these kids have very few more skills to apply to the new music for the next performance. So more time is wasted teaching them how the new music goes. When really, a stepwise approach to teaching skills and selecting music that is appropriate for and slightly higher than their ability level.

What if someone spent more time teaching students to ways to read rhythms and notes and how music works, how the piece is organized. And what if you taught them to hear the sounds in their head as they read them. And what if you ask them to visualize a piano keyboard to give them a reference as to high and low and spacing of intervals. Then you would have students who could learn independently. You would have students who could learn music faster and advance to more artistic levels of playing. You would have more rehearsal time! And the kids are the winners!

Why Can’t You Read?

Maybe your music teacher did not take the time necessary to teach you the, in a way that you understand. And secondly, maybe you are playing music that is too far above your ability level at this point in your playing.

The solution:

I help my students bridge those gaps in their musical learning. In my private studio  lessons and in my school classroom, I take time to help my students gain the musical skills to be independent learners. Not just get ready for the test, performance or audition.

Contact me. I can help you be more successful and have more fun.

Increase your strength, range and precision with the Carmine Caruso Six Notes Exercise

For a long time, I have been using one of Carmine Caruso’s teaching techniques with all of my brass students. This exercise works for woodwind players too. The results are noticeable in about a week  and include: increased endurance, precise note starts and increased range in brass players. So I thought I would share what I have learned through teaching brass students in elementary, middle, high school and adults. It works for all levels of players Continue reading “Increase your strength, range and precision with the Carmine Caruso Six Notes Exercise”

Playing Solos & New Lesson Times On Mondays

Playing solos are one of the best ways that students improve as players.  Ensembles are good too, but you do not have rely on someone else when you play a solo.

November and December are the times that you need to select your solo and wood shed the parts.. This is a busy time of year and there are many things that will get in the way of your practice time.

So start early and get your solo selected, purchased and framed out.  Use January to polish your performance by working on the expression and flow.  Then you will have beneficial and efficient rehearsals with your accompanist.  BTW-Your accompanist is not responsible to teach you the notes and rhythms…that’s ON YOU!

Contact me. I can help you prepare your solo.

New Lesson Times Available – Monday Evenings 430 – 9 PM

Fairfield, Salyards MS, Cypress Ranch HS, Cypress Woods HS, Waller HS, Music Lessons

Summer 2013 Music Lessons

Have you been thinking about private music instruction to improve your playing or to help you learn to play an instrument?

Now is the time to sign up for private music lessons for the Summer of 2013.  I am offering all of the instruments listed on my home page and private lesson page. Simply click on the tabs at the top of the page.

Lessons are taught in my home studio in the Fairfield subdivision in Cypress, Texas.  US 290 / Fry Rd / Mason Rd

My teaching schedule is flexible.  And I work around your summer schedule.  All I ask is that you show up when you said you would. 😉

Beginners, Advanced and Come-Back players welcomed.
